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                      I think Hank was asking: "Please take me kayaking...,please!?"
The boats are out...Hank's not going to run off now; he's afraid he might get left behind!

It takes alot to feed a 180 pounds of Great Dane.  You certainly don't let this dog get hungry.
 No, though at the register it did sometimes feel that way, I didn't actually buy dogfood by the truckload.
These are really just bags of recycleables, ready to be hauled away.

"OK, if I don't get to paddle I might as well rest. Wake me when we get to the sandbar."

                                                                  "MAKING WAVES"
                             Hank's second time out- he's not requiring any coaching this time.
                 Oddly enough, it really wasn't terribly difficult getting him into it the first time.
At first, he did get spooked.  I  had to partially lift him into it; because it did rock quiet a bit initially.

Look-out Gail; Hank's wanting to ride with you!
 It was difficult convincing Hank that her kayak wasn't a tandem (with two seats).
Hank's looking to catch up with Jimmy, who's looking to catch up with some fishing.
From a fellow kayaker's perspective: looks like the big one didn't get away.
Laid down and relaxing, Hank's all about the float.
 It was also a lot easier to balance when Hank's was laying down .
 Can you imagine how much countering was involved with his every move?
 It doesn't take much to flip a kayak; they sit low in the water.
"OK, enough of a good thing; can't we just stop somewhere?"

                                           Hank kinda fills up a Tundra bed.
                                        He's had a full day of kayaking and enjoyed every moment of it.
                               But,  now that I have  started  packing up to go home from our camping adventure,
                                     he's making sure that he doesn't get left behind.

Too cold to take Hank from bridge to bridge;
 that's iced-up from getting splashed with paddle-drippings.
February 13th, 2010
Note the white stuff. 
 It snowed yesterday. Needless to say, it's still cold out here!
Thanks to Joey Thiel,  I was able to go floating on the Flint River in Upson County, Georgia, - from
 Pobiddy ("Dancing Sam") Bridge to Highway 19/80 bridge.

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